Monday, November 28, 2011

sonnet for the merchant's association

the merchants are thinking of disbanding
after the holiday celebrations - maybe
"We'll just go hang with the group down
the road - make it two for one in a bad
economy." that's loose in the paper, just
before the next holiday sale. time to see
will it feel good enough to keep it together. 

over coffee, they debate: "Do we feel safe
enough  to do this, knowing just how the chair 
of the gang next town down whips her group
into shape, paralyzing independent action?
and what about what they all say - behind
her back?
or are we grown-ups enough 

to make the right next choice, til next time?

and there in the corner, whispering, the same
old troublemakers: "We can take over, you know."

    news from a small town 46, November 2011