Sunday, March 13, 2011

in between times

left of black
right of white -
the wind at sunrise

  news from a small town 14, March 2011 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

after the engine left

fire took the house. saved:
a shoebox of pictures; half
a cord of firewood

  news from a small town 13, March 2010

Saturday, March 5, 2011

feeding the . . .

cracked corn sunflower millet millet wet fawn foot print sunflower millet cracked corn millet seed.

  news from a small town 12, March, 2011

Thursday, March 3, 2011

in other news

the police blotto didn't include whatever it was.
no matter, in the run of things
its not really my business

  news from a small town 11, March 2011

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

on the streets

Aeolius agitated on the streets
the ambulance flowed off
like a hearse escorted by
the usual public safety suspects

on the corner, ratted braids

and woe, untied boots
a big black eye: speechless
and midnight thunder in the air

yes – I know “are you all right”

is a stupid question. no, there is
notadamnthing that will help 
just leavemealone (you didn’t say that)

hour after hour the opportunities

knock on the door of perception
it is an effort to turn that way, not
this, and open to what comes

the only right thing there is, over

and over again… or option two:
to hide the rage and fear, and
suck integrity down the drain

   news from a small town March 11, 2010


fool the eye, and all else -
this is the season
of trompe l' oeil, that
sneaky time that looks like

new beginnings - but
watch out for ice underfoot!

and all the while rain soaks
and soaks everything,

despite this place owning
such a dry reputation.

let's pretend - put on
sunglasses, sunscreen,

a heavy coat, a bikini,
and waterproof boots.

we'll call it spring
no later than july.

     news from a small town 10, March 2011

bring blankets

bring blankets.

tonight the wind beats the house in a pillow fight
first from the north, then from the east. fingers of
chilly that shouldn’t be able - reach under the door.
outside, the wind chimes do their thing, inside
the fire flickers wildly, even though it's just
tamed propane, and you just can't get a breeze
to go from there to here. one more time, then -
get up and bar the door. throw the rug over there,
over here. for tonight, all insolation is blocked
by the whole weight of the earth: we’re in
for a long, dark one tonight, and no mistake.

bring blankets.

    news from a small town 9, March 2011

the home fires

it happens this way

February the home fires burn
sometimes more than

the fire department volunteers
grab their turn out and
turn out

for another winter home fire
smoke sprouts from
the valley floor

tomorrow, cans with names
scribbled will say

your friends your neighbors
lost everything but the

the kid who works at the grocery

will gather emergency

the paper will declare the losses

the neighbors will make up
what happened

it happens that way
     news from a small town 8, February 2011

second fake spring day

dumb as mud, puddles stand
dumb as posts, except – the
splash, the squish, the runnels

     news from a small town 7, February 2011

post-holiday tradition

clack your beak, O eagle
over fresh placenta
in the fields -- january
is the season for calving
here, and steaming
fresh delicacies abound

    news from a small town 6, January 2011

how it happened

So she wrote a
bad check at the grocery
at 9:45 - made off
with a big chicken, potatoes
two cans of green beans
a skillet and
salt and pepper
Then she wrote a

bad check at the liquor store
at 11:10 - made off
with two bottles
of bad bourbon
cheap tequila
and novelty glasses

The law guy wrote a
pair of summons -
one for each draw on her ex’s account
and politely declined
dinner and
a postprandial drink, for
neighborliness has limits

even here

  news from a small town 5, January 2011

winter observations

fence wires hum in the cold
winter sunlight will never again
gleam exactly as it does today
     news from a small town 4, January 2011

no way around it.
snap. step. swish. step. whshht, whshht, whsst.
hup. two. skid. four. slide.
     news from a small town 3, January 2011

achieving enlightenment

trip check

dense fog at night
the intersection
takes a vacation

     news from a small town 1, January 2011