Saturday, April 30, 2011

dinner party: social news

news from a small town 20, April 2011


it’s time to praise the illusion
so kindly lend your attention and
raise your tin can to the local bad guys
who think they are the good guys

but not too fast: that could be
anyone - even you – or it could be
our cattle rustler who at least doesn’t
steal from the next-door neighbors or

the mayor’s spouse who hasn’t
started a bar fight in mule's years or
the retired major who storms the state
capitol, fulminating, or the neighbors

who fly a ragged flag all winter
even at their RV in gadfersaken AZ or
he-who-watches with a shit-eating grin or
she-who-colludes in the non-Zen tonglen

news from a small town 19, April 2011

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

greeting card at the hippie grocery

love, he said, is that four letter word
that bursts forth, occasionally
pleasing the company – but!
there is no right way to hear it.

you know you want to run. and
that is perfectly okay. even so:
you are known, well-loved,
and madly frustrating anyway.

love, she said, is simply that thing
that makes dirt and rain so very
beautiful and worthy (despite
the rep): and were it safer to explain

one or the other would hear this:
you are loved as you are and
as you always have been,
even back in the time before time.

and this: there is not a bit of need
to change. oh, love, that word!
now there's a pot-stirrer
for you! not even meant to bind.

poor little four letter word.

news from a small town 18, April 2011

the blonde strawberry (for B.D.)

At the coffee shop -
fee find faux fumbles: pull out
your wallet quick: see who pays!
let’s buy cookies from Heidi
and feed the wild geezers.

news from a small town 17, April 2011

Saturday, April 16, 2011

the promise of what follows winter

half past rain, the sound
of spring birds at dusk

click of a light switch
just in time for dinner 

and the old truck
glides into the driveway 

nothing drips down
through the ceiling, just yet

somewhere the phone rings…
where did I leave it this time? 

meat sizzles on the range,
the refrigerator sighs, 

resigned to a pre-dinner raid;
the dishwasher – does --

and televisions yap and
video games absorb and 

homework calls: and
somewhere, someone writes 

a letter or a poem to hide
among the bills and ads

news from a small town 16, April 2011

Thursday, April 7, 2011

school play

all the drama
here's your program -
him? just the usher

news from a small town 15, April 2011